by Michael Tsarion
When all men are good and wise, government will of itself decay - Percy Shelley
The answers to the sociopolitical state of decay in the West are not to be found in political studies and action, but in psychology. Like the headline addict, the political entity’s understanding of the world is superficial and largely false. His explanations for the existence of tyranny are facile and misleading.
Psychologically speaking, we adjust to tyranny because we embody a Master vs. Slave dynamic which destabilizes the psyche and compromises our moral sensibility. The means by which this is achieved concerns the superego which - during the Oedipal Stages and beyond - threatens us with suffering and loss of the authority’s love and approval should we, for any reason, think or act aggressively and destructively. This prohibition operates even when we are perfectly right and justified in our emotional reactivity. Because of the pressure exerted by society’s representative in our heads, we soon learn to inhibit aggressive and destructive urges. We submit even when we consciously understand that the tyrant isn’t ultimately worth obeying. We submit even though we know we endorse psychic and physical tyranny. It’s something we end up hating ourselves for. In effect we become autophobes, psychophobia being one of the underlying pillars of pathology. Existentially speaking, our daily existence can be rightly understood as a flight from Selfhood. Having said this, it is also the case that a time comes in the history of a civilization when this ego vs. superego dynamic begins to morph in ways that suit another kind of tyranny, one with a smile. When and if the severe voice of the superego no longer prevents antisocial thinking and action, civilization’s “Discontents” find themselves driven to volcanically unleash their frustration, rage, hatred and violence on the representatives of authority and on the world. People become increasingly disobedient, unethical, amoral, pleasure-addicted, narcissistic, hyper-emotional, volatile and remorseless. This is not a sign of holistic revolution. Rather, it signals the advent of Tyranny 2.0. This scenario is all the more inevitable if our society, instead of being prohibitive, becomes increasingly permissive when it comes to the expression of transgressive instincts. In a repressive society, instincts are held in check and instinctual gratification is delayed and canalized. Because of this restriction on self-expression, many people subconsciously feel entitled. Their infantile discontent and rage rises to the surface, seeking to overthrow the status quo. The discontented citizen calls for freedom, rights and justice, and it all sounds kosher on the surface. However, what is really desired is the chance to be as unfettered and libertine as possible. The Discontent and his fellows accuse and berate the allegedly authoritarian society until it either strikes out against them, or yields to their demands, becoming all the more tolerant and accommodating toward them. In the end, the Dionysian-Discontent is permitted to satiate every banal irrational desire, courtesy of the amoral society he and his decadent cohorts erroneously believe they've brought to heel. Bloated with their successes and conquests, and having lost any sense of guilt, the Discontent’s irrationality, excessiveness and transgression knows no bounds. Everyone but his own type is considered a threat and oppressor. He does not realize that by satiating his insipid cravings, he not only becomes more and more desensitized and debauched, but far more susceptible to the tyrant's subtle stratagems. The transgressive Discontent lives only for constant and instant gratification. Love, care, sensitivity, remorse and ethical behavior mean nothing to him, these being equated with superego control, the psychic equivalent of external authoritarianism and oppression. Whereas the superego once drowned one in anxiety for the expression of instinctual needs, the feral, so-called “emancipated” type, now experiences anxiety if his desires and cravings are not instantly satiated. As a result of these reversals in psychodynamics, culture devolves, catering to hedonic types completely devoid of self-awareness, guilt or conscience. This cultural travesty is caused by the rejection of internal authority - the superego which demands the renunciation of instinctual urges. Over time, obstructions to instinctual fulfillment are deeply resented. Eventually, despite the threats of the superego - that one will not be accepted and loved - one regresses to the oral and anal Oedipal stages, the level of polymorphous perversity. The regressed type can be identified by their visage, posture, vocal tone, clothing and general disheveled, unmanly appearance. In Freudian parlance, the regressed type falls victim to the so-called “Death-Instinct.” The control of the superego (the inner tyrant) ends and gives way to a narcissistic ego, operating in society with an unjustified sense of entitlement. This type is hedonistic, irrational, righteous, vain, caustic, nervous, volatile and ultimately destructive. Although their superego no longer generates a sense of guilt within them, they remain autophobic or self-hating. Underlying their sadistic will to destroy external structures is their masochism or ongoing process of self-condemnation for not being what they claim to oppose. Now that they’ve hitched their will and ego-identity to the external world, their lives are not imbued with meaning. Their greatest enemy is the voice of their own Selves, the voice of conscience leading them back to equilibrium. That voice attempts to release the extroverted type from his neurotic attachments and suffering. A great deal of biopsychic energy goes into silencing this voice, so that the inauthentic life is not compromised. However, since the voice of the Self cannot be permanently silenced, the sado-masochist experiences a great deal of inner tension. Hence his hyper-reactivity and hostility to any external party who happens to represent his inner Self. Hence his need to cluster with types as perverse, self-hating, aggressive, episodic and entrained as himself. |
Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) was the Viennese founder of Psychoanalysis. His final book was the insightful masterpiece Civilization and its Discontents. Throughout his career he showed that to hate a thing is to think of it constantly and get up as close to it as possible. In this sense, hate shares a great deal in common with love. Masochists beat themselves up for not being what they claim to oppose and despise. Sadists attack those who point out this dynamic so the afflicted can heal themselves. (Here for more...)
Ruled by the Death-Instinct, one’s greatest pleasures come from wanton destruction. One’s last high is, inevitably, their own self-destruction. In the meantime, one is satiated by their daily acts of desecration toward the healthier elements of culture and nature. This obnoxious perverted type hastens to gang up with others in the same psychic mess. The will of the masses or herd possesses him, vanquishing his personal wilfulness. He secretly thinks to himself, Good! What a perfect setup. When I destroy myself, I'll have everyone, including myself, believing I did it...for the almighty Cause!!!
Once this is understood, we see why the Crowd must be considered a source and agent of transgression and destructiveness. The Crowd’s will is a necrophilous Will to Negation, by which all the august creations of history are wantonly and irrationally critiqued and desecrated. We understand that when the Reality Principle and superego functions cease to inhibit the Discontent’s necrophilous will, civilization itself is in peril. The Discontent’s voracious search for instant gratification leads inevitably to his march against perceived social conventions and obstructions. For him, knowledge, wisdom, care, love, bonding, ethics and higher-callings are considered impediments to be critiqued and negated. Why? Simply because they stand in the way of pleasure. Freud's views on psychodynamics help us clarify the problem: I experience less suffering by satiating prohibited desires. I suffer less by circumventing superego control and running amok with others of my rabid kind. I prefer the suffering that comes with my excesses, over the suffering experienced by not yielding to my desires. In the latter case my suffering is pure, in the former it is partial, since I get to experience pleasure as well as pain. I free myself from having to obey the edict Though shalt not! Instead, I gleefully commit myself to the edict which says I’ll not do what you tell me!...Punish me all you like, I’m busy having the fun previously denied me. With psychic constraints broken I am free to be who I really am...hooray! I no longer experience neurotic dread because others disapprove of me. In fact, most people I know are exactly as I am. Disapproval no longer reins in my libido. I get on with satisfying my banal desires courtesy of the Marcusan society which deluges me with puerile pleasures and distractions. |
Herbert Marcuse (1898-1979), the Fabian-Marxist philosopher who believed that mass control was assured by enhancing the Pleasure Principle, making sure people are constantly titillated, distracted, infatuated with worldly stimuli, and able to satiate all their banal desires and cravings. The affluent society gives away its rights willingly as long as sensual gratification is instantaneous, unhindered and perpetual.
Enter the “New Man,” emancipated in his consciousness and free to do not as others tell him, but as his unfettered ego tells him. Existentially he exchanges ordinary human misery for neurotic suffering, and, as a consummate sado-masochist he finds the latter most agreeable.
The discontented marionette does not realize that the pleasure he experiences is derived from his being allowed to self-destruct. As a citizen of the affluent orgiastic society, his descent into the abyss is assured. The temptations offered by the world cannot be resisted by his unrestrained but uprooted ego. His superego cajoles but fails to arouse a modicum of guilt or shame. I’m going out with a bang…no need to heed you…I won’t be around long enough to experience the life you want me to live...I’m in the Now, having fun and burning the midnight oil...getting my fixes and partying 'till I drop...You only live once...My soul belongs to everyone, not to myself. What the orgiastic New Man doesn’t see is that his pleasures, like his suffering, are of the neurotic variety. His so-called highs exist only because his anxieties are tranquilized by a barrage of inane worldly stimuli. He does not see that his internal tyrant - the superego - has been stripped of its authority which has been transferred and transmuted. Prohibition gives way to permissiveness, resulting in psychic disorientation and identification with the will of external tyrants. Once the entrainment is complete, superego control is massively reduced. Society's necrophilous will takes over where the superego leaves off. The "liberated," "emancipated" pleasure-addict is the perfectly posed mannequin or extra in a stage-managed charade. Originally the victim, he is recast as a heroic crusader against the evil establishment. What a part, what a performance! Having subjected his will to the Puppeteers on high, the Discontent disguises his complicity by loudly falling in with placard-waving protesters and malcontents pretending to be offended by the faults and abuses of "government." Vote, Vote, Vote...Less Work, More Play!...Less Work, More Play! |
Everyone votes for a dictator
Sociologically, the Discontent certainly doesn't see or care that his immersion in the necrophilous Crowd brings about the degeneration of his culture. He does not see that it is infested with hedonic, episodic types whose concern for the future is nonexistent. Nor does he foresee the dystopian nightmare awaiting him and his decadent comrades, the Global Village ready to impose upon his being shackles from which he will never escape.
As far as the Establishment is concerned, maintaining the technocracy of power demands efficient mind and behavior control. In the past, superego control served to enslave the psyche and keep humanity on its knees. But, as the Marcusans knew, the downside was that the slave may one day not only rebel against his overlords, but become sincerely interested in authentic intellectual and spiritual teachings and paradigms. However, if instead of gruel and chains he is offered endless moment-by-moment pleasures and fixes, he not only returns to his prison cell, but locks himself in and willingly throws away the key. He never again concerns himself with truth and the men of truth. He even comes to utterly loathe their presence and counsel. The pleasure-addict's only signs of discontent and rebellion occur when he demands more fixes from on high. Occasionally he might snap at the hand of the master if satisfaction is delayed, but unlike his predecessor he will never dream of dethroning the masters from their seats of power. It is through permissiveness rather than prohibition that his individualism and spirit of rebellion are sacrificed to the blood-gorged gods. |
Damn, we've got one who can see...quick, ACT TOLERANT!
The New Man plays his role perfectly and memorizes his script excellently. He says No to self-knowledge and reality. He says Yes to delusion, reality-distortion, social hysteria, evasion of selfhood and collectivism. He loathes introspection, contemplation, inwardness and aloneness. He adores social noise, talismanic terms and the myth of progress. Like all psychotics and smiling-depressives he knows exactly what is wrong with the world - other people in positions of power and wealth - people he doesn't know but secretly wishes to exchange places with.
Regressed to the oral and anal stages and bent on changing the world. The true meaning of the sign, I'll not be satisfied until I've consumed (embodied) the rich and all they do and are. Sorry, I can't admit that to myself though...but give me time...we'll all soon be equal in misery...I won't be happy until I OCCUPY the seats of those I wish to overthrow!...greed and envy have nothing to do with it.
To veil his compliance to the will of Big Brother, the Oscar-winning performer signs on for Anarchism, Socialism and Communism, championing the "power of the people," screaming "down" with the authorities he allegedly vehemently disapproves of. He is addicted to the sound of his own bellows which echo through the streets.
What this self-deluded hare-brained Discontent doesn't understand is that the Crowd he belongs to, and needs as a weapon to overthrow his nemesis, is the single most evil institution that exists in the world. It is also no threat whatsoever to the powers that be. What he never fathoms is that his beloved transgressive cultish movements have been designed, funded and mobilized by the very elite powers he claims to detest and oppose. He cannot see that they have an enormous advantage over his ass, their excellence psychologically. His hidden masters know he's a spoon-banger who will sell his soul simply to replace chains of iron with chains of gold, and that the last thing he desires is freedom. All political systems do not end the Master vs. Slave opposition, they impose it. In turning to overthrow the Master I become him. The hater of wisdom, however, is simply incapable of accepting this truism. He prefers his pretense of fighting political dragons, because he knows in his heart that true freedom is the greatest threat to his existence. When an unruly horde in a delusional state come together, they are wont to call themselves "Anarchists." These arrested deranged nihilists and episodics do not detest the State, as they pretend. They detest reality. Despite the facade they don’t seek to overthrow the State because it oppresses them, for the simple reason that it does not oppress them. Their every desire is permitted by the State, their very identity moulded by it. Without the State and its alleged evil the clueless Anarchist has absolutely no identity or role. If the State ceased to exist so would he. As rational men understand, non-existence is not to be equated with freedom. With this in mind, we understand that no State or group has anything to do with actual freedom, which is in all cases a matter of attitude. The group or State manipulates the word, using it talismanically to control already regressed types. Freedom, however, is never something awarded by external parties. It is never experienced by masses and collectives. It is the gift one gives oneself once the internal Master-Slave opposition is transcended. This process of true liberation has little to do with the presence and influence of other people. It involves the needs of the Self exclusively. It is not a process of any interest to Anarchists, Socialists, Communists and other deeply manipulated neurotics. Affiliation with any political group is one's statement of their intent to evade psychological maturation. The Discontents do not truly hate any of the establishment forces or groups they apparently oppose. In fact the Discontent secretly desires to become as they are and take over the seats of power and control. However, these pathological types must disguise this truism from themselves, as well as from the world. This they do by forming anti-establishment action groups screaming for reform. Should they succeed here and there, the void left by their bloody reign of terror is inevitably filled by members of their own ranks who become the new boss hogs on the block. A revolution indeed. Psychologically, the regressed Discontent is an anal-sadist who resents those in power for having and spending money (money symbolically being the equivalent of excrement). The Anarchist type resentfully hordes and holds what he owns. Fear of loss is the dominant worry in his life. He can’t bear to part with any piece of himself or the world he claims as his own. Once a person or thing falls into his clutches it remains his forever. It cannot be shared or relinquished. Although he values nothing wholesome and is always on the take, he stands in hateful astonishment at the man (the Capitalist) who imparts ideas and wealth. The latter is a total mystery to the former, and is deeply resented. It’s no different with the promise of political power that lies just beyond reach, and which he deeply desires. Ergo, this squalid grubby miser must irrationally and belligerently indict and condemn the man who, having reached the phallic stage of development, doesn't pathologically “bottle his shit.” |
Eat the Rich! Yes, but according to their own symbolism, hasn't the many become the master? Haven't the "oppressed" become the oppressor? This is what passes for logic and sense among Anarchists and their like. Actual freedom has nothing to do with any of it. Their own imagery emphasizes the point they refuse to face about themselves, that the Crowd is the disease for which there is no cure. Not one person in many millions understands the simple observable fact, that the Crowd is an institution of devilry and evil. What it believes about other institutions is irrelevant. It must take itself down before all else. That is true liberation, the mindset and holy writ of the Individual and Outsider.
The imbecility of the Anarchist’s incivility and asinine cause is fathomed once we understand one simple fact, true for all time: namely that Crowds (gangs) of all kinds - gathering for whatever social or political purpose - are the most evil institutions ever conceived. They are cauldrons of devilry in which individuality and freedom are compromised, undermined and eventually lost.
For sane people there is no sense in losing individuality and attitudinal freedom for the chimera of political ascendancy. The architects of world control know this, which is why they permit, fund and goad Anarchists, Socialists and Communists to rouse “the People” to rattle their cages, wield cudgels and wave placards against their would-be “oppressors.” They know what kind of screwballs and flunkies it attracts. |
The fist that crushes the tyrant's head, becomes a tyrant in his stead - William Blake
Specialists have found that the best specimens for hypnosis are members of highly agitated groups. This is because its dissociated members are already under a form of auto-suggestion. The Crowd is the antithesis of freedom, and its nondescript members are neither good nor wise. The Crowd stirs up political "noise" to prevent psychological insight and evolution. The Crowd's members are champions of the anti-psychological age. They belong to the Crowd not to enhance individuality, but to lose it. Despite superficial appearances, the secret desire of the masses is freedom from freedom, but in order to conceal this truism from themselves, they achieve profound states of self-deceptiveness, the true bane of our times. Once one joins the Crowd, convinced that they do so because of some highfalutin "cause," they automatically blind themselves to the truth of the matter, which concerns the psychological reasons why they need to be part of a mass movement. Confront this type with his deep-set autophobia and masochism, and hey presto, right on cue - to prove you 100 percent correct - he'll display his sadism, the ugly twin of his masochism. |
Time and again the maniacal table-pounding leaders of these transgressive groups are soon approached and recruited, becoming members of the “Club.” They play the “Great Game” as instructed, posing as People’s Champions until replaced by other charming demagogues with insider-smiles.
And invariably the rallying cries of these devious and deviant People's Champions - Freedom, Justice, Equality, Rights!!! They know all to well that the man who inwardly wishes to see all humanity equal in misery, signs on immediately and flies the red flag up his pole. Due to our debased age of incendiary headlines and hipster trends, the average Anarchist agitator knows nothing about any of this. He knows nothing about the complex architecture of control, the technocracy of power, or how his strings are pulled from above his pink-hat or Che Guevara beret. He knows nothing of the elegant Hegelian account of the origin and maturation of human consciousness. He knows only the Disney version purveyed by degenerates such as Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Alexandre Kojeve, Herbert Marcuse, Noam Chomsky, and the other so-called "Left-Hegelians." |
German philosopher Georg Hegel (1770-1831) beautifully explained how Master and Slave are eternally linked. The identity of one depends entirely on the existence of the other, and there can be no self-consciousness or advanced human culture without the Master-Slave dialectic. The Master-Slave dynamic is instrumental to human self-consciousness, which is in turn instrumental and essential to the existence of advanced rational societies. So when clueless Anarchists (crypto-Communists) scream for the elimination of rulers, they don't realize the consequences for rational civilizations. They forget the essential fact, that in order to rid the world of tyranny, the tyrant must, like any other person, be allowed the time and freedom to mature in his thinking, outlook and behavior. Only the Master can crush the Master's head, not his opponent. The political scuffle leads only to oblivion not freedom. But the Dionysian-Anarchists got their silly deranged dogma from Marx and the Left-Hegelians, not Hegel himself. Simply put, the Slave's process toward freedom and individuality can't even begin without the catalyzing presence and role of the Master. Likewise, the Master cannot evolve to the level of insight by which he relinquishes his rule over others, without the catalyzing presence and role of the Slave. This basic Hegelian premise is completely beyond the campus-Anarchist whose consciousness operates below even the slave level. Moreover, the extraordinary process by which the Master-Slave opposition is finally transcended is not necessarily one of politics, but psychology. This is irrefutable and non-negotiable, because what we know as the Ruler vs. Ruled opposition is merely the external manifestation of an internal schism. The Master-Slave opposition chiefly expresses itself within the psyche. Political Anarchy is therefore a degenerate's travesty. It is a loser's dogma without much sense or credibility. The destruction of external Masters entails the obliteration of freedom and destruction of all. With no Master-Slave dialectic in operation, man falls to a dark abyssal level where self-consciousness collapses leaving a desiccated zombie where a wholesome heroic Self once stood. Hail Anarchy! (Here for more...)
Worst of all, the campus-Anarchist knows nothing about human psychology and the dynamics of the infantile power-struggle known as the Oedipus Complex. He does not remember that he came out the loser in this struggle, and has been subconsciously smarting about it throughout his adolescence and puberty, his political outlooks and aspirations serving as his means of exorcising inner rage and winning back a sense of empowerment. He certainly cannot see that his desires for “progress” and “social justice” conceal his deep-set sado-mascohism and autophobia. With his childish acts of wanton vandalism he howls I want it, but if I can't have it I'll smash it so you can't have it either rich boy!
With this in mind, it is not unsurprising that the emblem used by Anarchists to signify their loathsome presence and cause is a circle with a capitalized letter A. In effect, an A-Hole. |
Hi...I'm an anal-sadist, and something
sure smells iffy around here
sure smells iffy around here
Michael Tsarion (2019)