(The Curse of Christianity)
by Michael Tsarion
...whosoever would not seek the Lord God of Israel should be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman - (2 Chronicles 15:13)
On my Astro-Theology site, and in articles on the subject of religion, I explore the baleful influence of Judeo-Christianity, showing its unwholesome origins and nature.
As far as I am concerned there is not a single useful or positive element in Christianity and similar religions. The insidious institution continues to blind people to the truth about their origins, identity, purpose, consciousness and spirituality, and still puts good people in fear of hell and the Devil, unashamedly tormenting impressionable souls with the wrath of an allegedly loving God. Because the frightful specter of radical Islam stalks the West at the present time, many people are inclined to support Christianity, seeing it as a bulwark against the spread and influence of Islam. No doubt they look back to history and time of the Crusades for inspiration. It's understandable to a point, but terribly wrongheaded. In any case, the ultimate remedy is not to pit one evil against another (Christianity against Islam), but to rid ourselves of both, as soon as possible. In my article, Refuting the Refuters, I explain the blowback from Christians against the work of free-thinkers in alternative research fields. Christians openly demonstrate aggressive and oppressive tendencies when they heckle and condemn researchers such as myself over discoveries and theories pertaining to sidereal mythology, sabeanism, ancient civilizations, Pre-Adamic Man, megaliths, alien visitation, genetic manipulation, ancient texts, the Apocrypha, scriptural symbolism, racial dispersion, identity of the Israelites, construction and age of the Great Pyramid, identity of Jesus, and so on. On my Astro-Theology site I provide a large cache of information revealing the many frauds of Judeo-Christianity, showing the endless contradictions, errors, deceptions and priestly embroidery involved throughout texts and scriptures. It is almost as if the greatest texts available to the ancient biblicists were deliberately left out of the canon, in favor of those far more spurious, convoluted and fictive. In Volume Two of my book, The Irish Origins of Civilization, over three hundred pages are dedicated to exposing the "Christian Lie," for that is exactly what it is and has been from the beginning. It is my solemn wish to vindicate the work of great men of the past who attempted to bring the truth to the world, but who suffered suppression and professional assassination. These forgotten geniuses include men such as Rev. Robert Taylor, Kersey Graves, James Wheless, Albert Churchward, Bruno Bauer, John Allegro, and many others. As professor John Allegro discovered, after the unearthing and translation of the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Christian cabal conducted a long-term campaign of deception, hoping the facts about its origins never gets revealed. We have many other courageous scholars to thank for what we know about this most diabolic religion, men such as Baron Avro Manhattan, Alvin Boyd Kuhn, Gerald Massey and Godfrey Higgins, etc. In more recent times we have the brilliant research of Ralph Ellis, Tony Bushby and Bart Ehrman, with Ralph's contribution being of paramount importance. Many good people question why such a perfidious edifice continues to gain converts and believers. There is no simple answer to the question. The briefest answer is that it is a familiar lunacy preferred and endorsed by the collective. If I am a constitutional psychological inferior type, desperately unwilling to face the condition of my soul (Self), I frequently find myself overcome with anxiety. I feel depressed and restless and crave a cure for these dark feelings, a shelter from the raging storms within. As the victim of profound self-deception, I realize I need to find the perfect mask. I take to Christianity in order to hide this fact from myself, not to mention from others. I soon find that it works superbly. I never need admit to my self-deceptiveness again. On the contrary, my days are spent converting others in the same mess. And I soon convince myself that this is my appointed task. I do it in the name of God. I congregate with others of like mind and forget my existential crisis, and past life of flagrant sin and debauchery. So has it been for two millennia. Why change tack or reinvent the wheel? It served the self-deceived of previous ages, and it serves them still. In other work I explain that hedonic types learn at an early age that their narcissistic behavior doesn't go down well socially, and that their objectives are best attained by hiding their true faces. Consequently, narcissists and hedonists frequently gravitate toward religion, politics and science, where their true motives are less conspicuous. Nothing they do is for themselves. It's for humanity, for the good of all, for the starving and needy, right? The hedonist finds his satori, while no one suspects a thing. This is the reason why Christianity and similar religions proliferate in the modern age. They serve a very important purpose, furnishing depraved and deviant psychophobes with a perfect cover behind which they ply their degenerate trade, laughing all the way to the bank. |
Despite superficial differences, we are not to think that Protestant versions of Christianity are any more wholesome or correct than Catholicism. In any case, what passes for Protestantism today has largely been taken over behind the scenes by agents of the Papacy. Thanks to insiders such as Malachi Martin, Father Alberto Rivera and Avro Manhattan, the facts about this infiltration and subversion have been made public.
Read the masters and save the world from your ignorance - Mtsar
In this article I'd like to introduce the reader to the superlative research of certain authors who have with extraordinary skill exposed Judeo-Christianity's absurdity. My hope is that by procuring these works, the difficult journey toward truth will be all the easier for those coming to this vital if controversial subject for the first time.
First on my list of masters is Baron Avro Manhattan. If his work was widely read and distributed, it would undermine evil to such an extent that our world would look radically different. It is imperative that one spends the time to own and read each of his masterly and invaluable books. |
Baron Avro Manhattan (1914-1990) was the author of numerous monumentally important books exposing the Vatican, Papacy and Jesuit Order. These works are becoming more difficult to find. (Click image for more...) Click here for my Red Papacy article.
Next on my list is the great savant Alvin Boyd Kuhn. It is not by accident that his name has largely been forgotten, probably because the list of his degrees and intellectual achievements takes thirty minutes to recite. He was a formidable foe of liars, cheats and priests throughout time.
Alvin Boyd Kuhn (1880-1965). Author of over two dozen insightful works on the origin and history of Christianity, his forte lay in exploring and explaining the ascetic element in religion. He referred to Christianity as a Cult of Mortification. It is one of many such cults or movements in which adherents display great antipathy towards the physical world and corporeal body which they irrationaly consider traps or cages of the soul. Kuhn was the protege of the great Gerald Massey. As an anti-Gnostic, he revealed the anti-natural Gnostic roots of religions such as Christianity. Massey and Kuhn were both scholars of the first rank. They left no stone unturned in the search for the pagan origins of religion.
Next on my list of favorite scholars exposing the nonsense of Christianity and religion is the Reverend Robert Taylor:
Rev. Robert Taylor (1784-1844), author of The Devil's Pulpit, revealed the astro-theological elements of the Bible. He paid the ultimate price for his free-thought, finding himself reviled, censored and imprisoned.
Next, I include the exceptional work of Kersey Graves:
Kersey Graves (1813-1883) was one of the greatest exposers of Biblical contradiction and error. (Here for more...)
Along with Graves, I must mention the voluminous work of James Wheless, another revealer of the colossal lie we know as Christianity.
Next I recommend the book by Alexander Hislop, entitled The Two Babylons.
Rev. Alexander Hislop (1807-1865), made it his life's work to expose the pagan origins of Roman Catholicism. His book The Two Babylons contains information that no non-Catholic can deny. What we know as Protestantism gets its name because it "protested" Vatican-based Christianity. Protestants sought to break away from Rome-purveyed beliefs and traditions. What more does one need to prove that masses of Christians knew their religion to be permeated with motifs and allusions from the ancient past? The whole of Protestantism stands as irreffutable proof of this fact. As I point out elsewhere, however, despite the attempt to cleanse Christianity of the past, the task cannot be completed without erasing Christianity altogether, whether Catholic or Protestant in complexion. (Here for more...)
Next I think it is appropriate to reference the eminent scholar John Allegro, who, like Bart Ehrman, Rudolf Bultmann, and others, was a highly placed academic and insider who found and exposed the truth, showing that it is not just a case of crazy irreverent mavericks taking potshots at religion, because they've nothing better to do.
The brilliant and courageous scholar John Marco Allegro was one of the chief translators of the Dead Sea Scrolls, the corpus of ancient texts suppressed by the Vatican, which blew the lid off the Cult of Christianity, revealing pagan elements, the heavy drug usage of early churchmen, and prevalence of sacred prostitution. Allegro was another casualty of the religious establishment, which proved as loving, generous and tolerant as ever as they set out to professionally assassinate the man. Allegro's controversial works include The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross, The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Christian Myth and The Chosen People, etc. (Here & Here for more...)
Sticking with eminent scholars of more recent times, I feature the outstanding work of Professor Thomas L. Thompson, another highly placed authority on Biblical times who found himself demoted and marginalized after making his revelations.
The title says it all: The Mythic Past: Biblical Archaeology & the Myth of Israel. Thompson's specialty is disproving the physical existence of famous locations such as Jerusalem, Nazareth, Israel, and other places mentioned throughout the Testaments. People demand "evidence" when naysayers attempt to engage them, but when the facts are laid in front of their faces, the hypocrites carry on as if nothing happened. Click image for more, and here for my excerpts.)
Next comes the eminent scholar Robert A. Gabriel:
Another insider and academic emphasizes the close ties between the Biblical Jesus and Egyptian deity Osiris, as first pointed out by the great Gerald Massey. (Here for more...)
Speaking of modern revealers, I must also add seminarian Bart Ehrman:
The vitally important works of this revisionist insider explore the chicanery of the church. (Here for excerpts...)
Other recommended scholars and investigators include Albert Churchward, James Morgan Pryce, Arthur Dyott Thompson, J. P. Mendum, Robert Ingersoll, Arthur Dewes, Rudolf Bultmann, John Remsberg, Charles Dupuis, John G. Jackson, Samuel Dunlop, L. A. Waddell, Conor MacDari, Comyns Beaumont, Anna Wilkes, Gary Greenberg, Tim Callahan, Earl Doherty, Laurence Gardner, Picknett and Prince, Ahmed Osman and Moustafa Gadalla. (Here for more...)
Be sure to check out each and every book by Ralph Ellis and Tony Bushby, and visit the excerpts and appendices featured on my websites linked below. |
The man who acts presumptuously by not obeying the priest who stands to minister there before the Lord your God, or the judge, that man shall die - (Deuteronomy 17:12)
We see from this list that the facts about the pestilence of Christianity have been laid before the world for quite a while. Enough has been written about the sick institution to leave no sane person in doubt about its corruption and perfidy.
Those who remain impervious to the facts, and still flock to the churches, do so because it's the tried and true solution for their psychological and moral inferiority. It's the socially-approved preferred lunacy that has become invisible by proximity. You can be relatively bat-crazy today, and still be ingratiated as long as you've a fish-shaped bumper-sticker on your car and crucifix hanging from your rear-view mirror. You can be a narrow-minded, frigid, hypocritical, self-righteous, obsessive fanatic, yet never be confronted or shouted down by a single person. You'll never be arrested, fined or told to keep it behind closed doors. You can be a card-carrying neurotic personality type or smiling depressive in deep anxiety about the presence of animals, nature, darkness, silence, and the body, but can walk unmolested under city lights and obscene concrete and steel for the rest of your miserable life. You can be a lifelong victim of autophobia, harboring intense rage toward yourself, and yet hold down a city job, make loads of money, and breed a horde of horrifically outer-directed children completely dependent on external stimuli. No one will call you out. You can commit a multiplicity of moral sins nonstop throughout your life, building your happiness on the ashes of other people's lives, and think nothing of it. You don't need to apologize, feel contrite or contemplate your monstrous past. Just open your heart, accept the love of Jesus, and turn the page. You've been reborn! The church dispenses its special all-purpose detergent and all the stains are magically wiped away. Or that's what you tell yourself over and over, carefully surrounding yourself by other clueless chuckleheads sharing the same delusion. Jesus Saves! And your destined for heaven, right? No matter what atrocities you've committed morally, and no matter that you've spent a lifetime avoiding true "Shadow Work." Nope, the Black Robes assure you it's gonna be just fine. It's what you want to hear most of all. After the fun and games wind down, and after you've satiated yourself on the stimuli of the world, you find to your horror that pleasures become insipid after all, and don't last forever. It didn't occur to you during your misspent youth, but comes as quite a shock as time passes. How do you decorate your incarceration now? How do you make your mediocre inauthentic existence bearable? How do you get that all-important makeover and turn the page on your past? Answer: you lose yourself in the Crowd, the most evil institution ever. You find Jesus, the Pope, Mohammad, the Guru or Ascended Master. You sit at the feet of the Totemic Father and never have to think again. You buy the manual that teaches the techniques of auto-hypnosis and tell yourself you've renounced "the world." Religion comes like a balm to the weary hedonist, glutted with the world's insipid stuff. It provides "meaning" for empty souls drunk on Mysteria. It brings respite from the voice of the Imperial Self, tranquilizing one's shame at living a lie. It's the perfect shelter for the self-deceived. Christianity and its church amplifies the voice of the multitude from which one has become inseparable. "I believe as they do, and they believe as I do...Like the Chosen People of old, we simply follow and obey...In this we find our reward...Follow and obey...Nothing more is required." |
Religion's eleventh commandment is "Thou shalt not question”
- Sigmund Freud |
Follow and Obey...God loves the sinner...Yes, but what is the sin? Is it the sin against the Self, the sin of Self-murder?
As the philosopher Nietzsche once remarked: The Christian need to make the world ugly and bad, has made it ugly and bad.
Early Christians infested the wastelands, going about dancing, howling and admonishing. Unwashed, covered with lice and maggots, they begged for food and water. Ignorant of their own derangement, they preached that the physical body and world of nature are ugly and bad. Nowadays, most Christians are washed, clean and dapper on the outside. What horrors lie within can only be surmised. It remains for sane unbiased people to find out the truth for themselves, by delving into the origins and history of religion. This process isn't easy, but has been made infinitely simpler by the lifelong efforts of the geniuses mentioned here. If we remain in ignorance over the presence of evil in our world, it is by choice, since nothing but our own lethargy and indifference stands in the way of our communion with the Spirit of Revelation. |
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